Текст песни
Melanie: This is Betsy Steele.
Martin: Hello, I'm Martin Learner. What do you do?
Betsy: I'm a welder. What do you do?
Martin: I'm a reporter.
Melanie: This is George Turner. He is a welder too.
Words and phrases:
designer - дизайнер
driver - водитель
grinder - шлифовщик, точильщик
mechanic - механик
supervisor - начальник
painter - маляр, художник
Other words from previous lessons:
accountant - финансовый работник
assistant - помощник
manager - менеджер
reporter - репортёр, журналист
engineer - инженер
doctor - врач
musician - музыкант
(communications) director - заведующий отделом связи
welder - сварщик
machine operator - машинист, оператор
Question Words (to introduce questions):
What - Что?
Example: What do you do?
Например: Что вы делаете? Чем занимаетесь?
How- Как?
Example: How are you?
Например: Как вы поживаете?
I - я
Example: I'm an engineer
Например: Я - инженер
you - ты
Example: You are a grinder
Например: Ты - шлифовщик
he - он
Example: He's a painter
Например: Он - художник
she - она
Example: She's an engineer
Например: Она - инженер
we - мы
Example: We are reporters
Например: Мы - журналисты
you - вы
Example: You are drivers
Например: Вы - водители
they - они
Example: They are reporters
Например: Они - журналисты
What do you do? (What work do you do?)
Чем вы занимаетесь?
What is your occupation?
Ваша профессия?
Перевод песни
Melanie: This is Betsy Steele.
Martin: Hello, I'm Martin Learner. What do you do?
Betsy: I'm a Welder. What do you do?
Martin: I'm a reporter.
Melanie: This is George Turner. He is a Welder Too.
Words and Phrases:
Designer - designer
Driver - driver
Grinder - Grinder, Grinder
Mechanic - Mechanic
Supervisor - Head
Painter - painter, artist
Other Words From Previous Lessons:
Accountant - Financial Worker
Assistant - Assistant
Manager - manager
REPORTER - reporter, journalist
Engineer - engineer
Doctor - doctor
Musician - musician
(Communications) Director - Head of Communication Department
Welder - welder
Machine Operator - Machinist, Operator
Question Words (to Introduce Questions):
What - What?
Example: What do you do?
For example: What are you doing? What do you do?
How- how?
Example: How Are you you?
For example: How are you doing?
I - Ya
EXAMPLE: I'm An Engineer
For example: I am an engineer
You - you
Example: You are A GRINDER
For example: You are a grinder
He - O.
Example: He's a Painter
For example: He is an artist
She - she
For example: she is an engineer
we - we
For example: We are journalists
You - you
Example: You are drivers
For example: You are drivers
they - they are
For example: they are journalists
What do you do? (What work do you do?)
What do you do?
What is your occupation?
Your profession?
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