Текст песни English Tonight - Podcast Episode 6

  • Исполнитель: English Tonight
  • Название песни: Podcast Episode 6
  • Дата добавления: 07.07.2021 | 22:20:06
  • Просмотров: 255
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Текст песни

Intro: Welcome to the English Tonight Podcast where you can learn English
online in your own time, even at 2 a.m. in your pajamas.
Janet: Hello again. Welcome back to the English Tonight Podcast. My name is
Janet and I am the host of this show. This is episode #6. I am so happy
that you are here and listening today. To find a free written transcript of
this podcast, please go to www.speakenglishtonight.com and remember
this is episode #6. Now, let’s get this show started.
Today’s show is about making mistakes. So, first I am going to tell you a
tale, a story about two students. Now, these students were in my class.
Um, the first student, we will call her Ashley, she never wanted to speak.
She was afraid, she hesitated to do everything. During writing exercise
uh-exercises, she would barely write a sentence, sometimes she wouldn’t
even put her name on the piece of paper. During um times when we were
talking and conversation, she would never raise her hand or say a word.
When I spoke to her one-on-one in a calm and-calm setting, she could
speak in English, but she seemed very uh worried about what other people
were thinking. It was really obvious that she was shy and self-conscious.
She was so worried about what others would think about her English that
she refused to say anything. She didn’t want to take risks or make any
mistakes. She wanted to stay in her comfort zone and her comfort zone
was to not speak any English at all.
Now, let’s talk about the second student. We will call the second student
Carlos. He was in the same class as Ashley. Carlos was an okay student,
but he was super excited about learning English. He wanted to speak in
English all the time. Every time I asked a question, he would raise his
hand and share something. In every assignment that he had to do, he
would try to write and try and do way more than what he was supposed to
or was required for the assignment and Carlos made tons of mistakes, but
he didn’t really care. I would correct a few of his mistakes or errors and
he didn’t even really seem to notice that I corrected him. As time went on,
he continued to try his best and his English got better and better and he
was able to say a lot more and his English became more clear. He had a
clear message when he spoke.
Ashley on the other hand did not get better over time. She just wasted her
time and quite frankly it drove me crazy. I couldn’t understand why she
was in English class and what she was so afraid of.
So, with this story, think about yourself and your English persona. When
you have to speak in English class or at work, or in real life, do you just sit
in the corner or try to hide? Or do you raise your hand and try to get your
message across no matter what?
Now, you don’t have to be insecure or ashamed of making mistakes. You
will never get better if you don’t try. It is natural that you feel nervous or
anxious when you are learning to do something new. That is a very
common reaction, but you need to take a few deep breaths and speak, you
need to try to do it.
So, please right now as of right now you need to stop caring about what
other people think, and people really aren’t thinking that much about you.
You need to stop thinking about the little things. You need to stop
thinking about verb tenses and which word and what tense and you know
what, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you just go for it and you try
to speak.
Right now or later today, next time you are in class, please speak. Don’t
sit in the corner and hide. I encourage you to make mistakes. You really
should make as many mistakes as you can because that will help you
learn. When you look at small children when they are speaking or
playing, they make tons of mistakes. A little kid that’s walking will fall
down and get up again and fall down and get up again and fall down
making tons of mistakes, but the child won’t just stop walking. Or
professional athletes; they make lots of mistakes everyday, but they keep
on trying and they keep on practicing. That is what’s important; to
become good or great or excellent at anything, you need to try. You need
to do your best. So, now I will give you three tips to help you speak
English better and stop worrying about making mistakes.
So, the first tip is use simple language. So, yes I know English is not your
first language. You need to try to keep your English a little bit more uh
simple at the beginning. Think about it like this. In your native language,
you probably have a very advanced voca-vocabulary. You can speak
about many topics on a variety of issues. In English, you have maybe a
three-year-old’s vocabu-vocabulary or a five-year-old’s vocabulary. So,
you need to keep it simple and start simple and once you master and are
able to talk about simple and very common subjects then you will be able
to move on to more complicated and complex subjects.
The second tip is: if you don’t know how to say something, say it in a
different way. So, if you are talking or speaking to someone in English
and you don’t really know what, how to say pizza, say you forgot how to
say the word “pizza,” you could just explain what it is. So, it’s that round
food, it’s a round food and it has like a bread at the at the bottom and then
on top of that there’s like tomato sauce and cheese and then some people
put pepperonis on top. So, just by that description, the person that you are
speaking to should be able to understand that you are talking about
“pizza.” “Oh you mean pizza, right?” So they would understand. You
don’t need to just stop talking when you don’t know how to say
Another example would be okay, so you forgot how to say the word
“triangle.” So, you could just say it’s a shape with three sides, it has three
points and most people could figure it out. You can also, you could draw
it, you could point to it if you see one, you could make a gesture and that
will help other people understand what you are trying to say.
And lastly, uh you can ask for clarifications. So, if you’re speaking,
talking to someone and you don’t understand something they said, you can
ask a question to help you better understand. So, you could say, “I don’t
think I understood, can you tell me again?” Or you can restate or re-say
what you did understand in your own word. So, you could say, “I think
you are saying blah-blah-blah,” or whatever you heard them say.
So, the three tips were: Keep it simple; if you are not sure how to say
something, try to explain it in a different way and ask for clarification.
All right, if you haven’t yet checked out our new course, please do. There
are many people excited to start off 2014 with our 30-Day English
Challenge Course. To find out more information about this course or
other courses that we offer, please go to our website www.english-
tonight.com and click on the word “Courses” in the upper right hand side.
Again, this was episode #6 of the English Tonight podcast. Thank you
again for listening. If you like this podca-cast, please subscribe and leave
us a five star rating on iTunes. Bye-bye and don’t forget to keep
practicing your English. Remember you must do the thing that you think
you cannot do. Keep your head up and keep on learning. Bye-bye.
Outro: Thanks for listening to the English Tonight podcast. For more tips on
improving your English or a transcript of this podcast, visit us at

Перевод песни

на попытке и они продолжают практиковать. Это то, что важно; к
стать хорошим или отличным или отличным на что угодно, вам нужно попробовать. Тебе нужно
сделать все возможное. Итак, теперь я дам вам три совета, чтобы помочь вам говорить
Английский лучше и перестань беспокоиться о ошибках.
Итак, первый совет использует простой язык. Итак, да, я знаю, английский не твой
первый язык. Вам нужно попытаться сохранить свой английский немного больше, а
просто в начале. Подумайте об этом так. На вашем родном языке,
У вас, вероятно, очень продвинутый Vocoa-Vocabulary. Ты можешь говорить
о многих темах по различным вопросам. На английском языке у вас есть может быть
Совокупкий словарь трехлетнего возраста или пятилетний словарный запас. Так,
Вы должны сохранить это просто и начать просто и как только вы освоите и
в состоянии говорить о простых и очень распространенных предметах, тогда вы сможете
перейти к более сложным и сложным предметам.
Второй совет: если вы не знаете, как что-то сказать, скажи это в
другой путь. Итак, если вы говорите или говорите с кем-то на английском языке
И вы на самом деле не знаете, что, как сказать пиццу, скажем, вы забыли, как
Скажите слово «пицца», вы могли бы просто объяснить, что это такое. Итак, это тот раунд
еда, это круглая пища, и она имеет как хлеб на дне, а затем
на вершине этого там как томатный соус и сыр, а затем некоторые люди
Положите пепперонис сверху. Итак, просто по данному описанию, человек, которого вы
говоря, чтобы быть в состоянии понять, что вы говорите о
"пицца." "О, ты имеешь ввиду пиццу, верно?" Так они поняли. Ты
не нужно просто перестать говорить, когда не знаешь, как сказать
Другой пример будет в порядке, так что вы забыли, как сказать слово
"треугольник." Итак, вы могли бы просто сказать, что это форма с тремя сторонами, она имеет три
Точки и большинство людей могут понять это. Вы также можете, вы можете нарисовать
это, вы могли бы указать на него, если вы видите один, вы могли бы сделать жест и что
поможет другим людям понять, что вы пытаетесь сказать.
И, наконец, вы можете попросить разъяснений. Итак, если вы говорите,
разговаривать с кем-то и ты не понимаешь что-то, что они сказали, вы можете
Задайте вопрос, чтобы помочь вам лучше понять. Итак, вы могли бы сказать: «Я не
Думаю, я понял, ты можешь сказать мне снова? " Или вы можете пересматривать или повторить
То, что вы поняли в своем Своре. Итак, вы могли бы сказать: «Я думаю,
Вы говорите, как бла-бла-бла: «Или все, что вы слышали, как они говорят.
Итак, три совета были: держать его простым; Если вы не уверены, как сказать
Что-то, попробуйте объяснить это по-другому и попросить уточнения.
Хорошо, если вы еще не проверили наш новый курс, пожалуйста, сделайте. Там
Многие люди взволнованы для начала 2014 года с нашим 30-дневным английским языком
Вызов курса. Более подробная информация об этом курсе или
Другие курсы, которые мы предлагаем, пожалуйста, перейдите на наш сайт www.english-
Toneight.com и нажмите на слово «Курсы» в верхней правой части.
Опять же, это был эпизод № 6 английского подкаста. Спасибо
снова для прослушивания. Если вам нравится этот подка, пожалуйста, подпишитесь и уходите
Нам пятизвездочный рейтинг на iTunes. Пока до свидания и не забудьте сохранить
практикуя свой английский. Помните, что вы должны сделать то, что вы думаете
Вы не можете сделать. Держите голову и продолжайте учиться. Пока-пока.
Outro: Спасибо за прослушивание английского сегодня вечером подкастом. Для более советов на
Улучшение вашего английского или стенограммы этого подкаста, посетите нас в

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