Текст песни
We came out from the deep
To help and understand but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed
To clear the debts of many, many hundred years.
Мы пришли из глубины времен,
Чтобы помочь и понять, но не уничтожить.
Требуется много жизней, сменяющих друг друга,
Чтобы искупить грехи многих, многих сотен лет.
Перевод песни
We came out from the deep
To help and understand but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed
To clear the debts of many, many hundred years.
We came from the depths of time
To help and understand, but not destroy.
It takes a lot of successive lives
To atone for the sins of many, many hundreds of years.
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